Sunday, April 30, 2006

Reform--Republican Style

"The Internal Revenue Service recently audited the books of a Texas nonprofit group that was critical of campaign spending by former House majority leader Tom DeLay, after receiving a request for the audit from one of DeLay's political allies in the House."
"Texas Nonprofit is Cleared After GOP-Prompted Audit," Washington Post, February 27, 2006.

"The Associated Press, The New York Times, and ABC's World News Tonight reported on Republican efforts to present new House Majority Leader John A. Boehner as a clean break from GOP corruption scandals, but they ignored criticism Boehner received for passing out checks from a tobacco industry group on the House floor moments before a key tobacco vote, as well as other ethical questions raised by Boehner's record."
--Media Matters for America,, Febuary 7, 2006.

Just the other day, the Republican-led House passed a bill called the Lobbying Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006. The Washington Post politely referred to the bill as, "a joke--or more accurately, a ruse aimed at convincing what the leaders must believe is a doltish public that the House has done something to clean up Washington."

Privately-funded trips, for example, won't be banned.

They'll just be "suspended"--until just after the elections.

Meals and other gifts from lobbyists? No problem.

Flights on corporate jets? Absolutely.

Meanwhile, oil and gas companies that heavily favor Republican congressmen in campaign contributions and all sorts of lobbying perks, continue to benefit from obscene tax breaks and other subsidies while prices at the pump skyrocket.

And Halliburton, beneficiary of a multi-billion-dollar no-bid contract for the reconstruction of Iraq, continues to receive billions in defense contracts even though the Pentagon's own study revealed graft, corruption, and massive failures system-wide.

Pharmaceutical companies, another powerful Republican lobby, manage to convince Congress of the inherent sinfulness of allowing seniors to import their prescription drugs from Canada, or bargain-shop for their medicare prescription-drug costs. Meanwhile, they have been the beneficiaries of $139 billion in windfall profits.

And all along, while vast and obscene amounts of money go to line the pockets of Congressmen and ensure unimaginable profits for their lobbying groups, the Republican Congress slashes student loans, over-time pay for American workers, medicare benefits, veteran's benefits…and the president strives to privatize health care and social security.

And don't even get me started on fat defense contracts for outdated unusable weapons systems while the men and women getting blown up and shot at don't have decent armor or vehicles.

Or how Reservists who are getting their limbs blown off and are being discharged from the service, are then being presented with huge hospital bills.

This is what is happening, ladies and gentlemen. They wave the flag and pound the Bible, then fly off to Scotland for a lobbying-rich golfing vacation…then come home and slash veteran's benefits and medical care.


We all pay a terrible, and high, personal price, for corruption.

"'Stand firm," DeLay said in his closing. "Resist evil. Remember that all truth and blessings emanate from our Creator.' He then departed, to go see a cockfight.'"
"Former DeLay Aide Enriched by Nonprofit," Washington Post, March 26, 2006.


Blogger MarineMom said...

I am really glad to see you taking up your pen as a weapon once again so to speak, and railing against the corruption that brings tears of frustration and impotency to my eyes when I read about it.

I get so depressed that America AND Americans are allowing the same corruption that prevaded the Royal courts in England to once again take hold in a great country.

So often lately I feel like the reasons that my ancestors left the 'Old' country are coming into play in our once great land. Where is there to go now? is the phrase that often crosses my mind when I read and hear of the corruption of our OWN elected officials. Then I wonder HOW these people can sleep at night? I truly believe that 'what comes around goes around' and they will pay dearly in the end. But so many of us out here have no idea of how to bring about the changes that we can feel are needed in our very bones.

It has truly become a 'soul' thing for me. My soul is hurting for everyone, even the ones that are being fooled, and I don't know what more to do than what I am doing.

I vote, I try to talk sense into the people that I know that are wavering on the best people to lead us. But you know its like talking to sheep. Being led to the slaughter. They can't see what is clearly in front of them because the blindfolds are on.

I could get REALLY maudlin here. But I had better stop now. You don't want to know my take on what we are heading for.

Deanie ... I would really like to read your ideas on what is actually going on with the admin and Iran. That truly scares me.

Semper fi and saying prayers for your son.


7:50 AM  

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