Saturday, April 08, 2006

Answered Prayer--Critically Injured Marine Showing Improvement


I thought you might appreciate hearing that your prayers are being answered. As you may remember, Jamie Woodard's son, Ben Hardgrove, was struck by a car and nearly killed only hours after returning home from his second deployment to Iraq. Just weeks before he got home, his humvee took a direct hit; two of his fellow Marines were killed and one was seriously injured. He told his mother how he'd held in his hands the brains of one of his buddies.

So it was particularly cruel that this terrible thing happened to Ben before he even got the chance to see his family, who were still waiting for him back in Texas. Just after his unit returned to California, Ben was struck by a car and suffered massive head injuries as well as broken ribs, collapsed lungs, and broken arms and legs. He was not expected to survive the night and I asked for your prayers.

It's been a couple of weeks now, and Ben has opened his eyes. He is moving his arms and legs on command, and they have removed his last chest tube--all very good news. However, he can't see yet. The occipital nerve was hurt, and they hope that his blindness might be concentrated in only one eye, but they just don't know yet.

His mother says, "We are still on eggshells, and things are unstable, but we see small signs. His body is functioning, now we must work on his mind."

Our fervent prayers are still very much needed. Keep in mind that Jamie has three children back home in Texas under the age of three, and two in high school. Her youngest is only four months old. And she's been told to expect Ben to remain either in a hospital or in rehab for as long as a year.

Right now, Marine support groups and the Corps are providing for Jamie's support in California, but even when Ben is able to be moved to Texas, he'll be in San Antonio or Dallas--not Paris, Texas, where his big family is--so this is going to be a hardship on their family for months to come.

I will eventually post places where you can send donations if you would like. In the meantime, Ben is at the Desert Springs Hospital in Palm Springs, California. I know his family would appreciate cards and letters being sent to him. I don't yet have an address but will post one.

But pray. Keep praying. The nurses tell his mother that they have never seen anyone fight as hard to live as that boy has. Let's help him in his fight.

All my best, and semper fi,


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