Sunday, April 16, 2006

Progress Report & Hospital Address for Injured Marine


I haven't posted a great deal in the past couple of weeks because, among other reasons, I have been so distraught over the accident that nearly took the life of Jamie Woodard's Marine son, Ben Hardgrove, just hours after he had returned to the U.S. from his 2nd deployment to Iraq. He was struck by a car and, along with numerous broken bones and collapsed lungs, suffered a severe base line skull fracture in the area of the brain stem.

He has been in a coma ever since.

First, he had to have tubes put in his lungs to breathe, then when that got better--he's off the respirator--the doctors thought he might be at least partially blind. Finally, she sent a one-sentence message: "Too much oxygen loss only by a miracle will he survive."

My sister-in-law, Kay, who welcomed home her son Michael with Ben's unit, said she thought perhaps the doctors were providing the "worst-case scenario" and that Jamie might have been protecting herself emotionally by preparing herself for the absolute worst. "I know it may be Pollyanna-ish but I just can't give up hope yet," Kay said.

Today, Kay forwarded to me the following message from Jamie:

From: Jamie Woodard <>

Bens great Aunt called Mike today and told him that Bens cousin went to see him earlier today, he said Ben was well aware he was in the room, opened his eyes and looked around the room. The Drs had said he would not be able to do this. So many prayers are being answered. Today had been especially difficult for me,we were supposed to be picking up from the airport right now, so the good news was what I needed. Please continue the prayers for a full recovery. Thank you so much, and have fun with your boys, hold them a little closer and tell them all I said thank you and hello. *(This is directed to the other Marine moms of the 3/7.)*

Happy Easter to all.

Of course, none of us can know for sure, but it certainly doesn't hurt to continue to pray for Jamie's beleaguered family at this time. If you would like to send a card or letter to Jamie or Ben, here is the hospital address at this time. They will eventually be moving Ben to San Antonio, but not yet.

Write her at:
Jamie Woodard, mother to patient, Ben Hardgrove
Intensive Care Unit
Desert Regional Medical Center
1150 N. Indian Canyon Dr.
Palm Springs, CA 92262

Phone: 760-323-6511

In the meantime, I'll keep you posted here on Blue Inkblots, and will post a regular blog entry in the next day or two.


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